Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Close Calls and Cold Cuts

I knew it was going to be a hectic morning before I went to sleep last night. I had left a lot on my plate which as any fat kid will tell you, wasn't a good idea. I had been working on illustrating a book cover for my Illustration class for over a week now. I decided just the other night that I hated the design I'd made and wanted to do a new one. This is again a terrible idea in regards to timing and proper pacing, but I felt that it would be the better decision in the end and my final product would be much improved and my grade would likewise follow. I started work and put in the time redoing the painting for the cover. It was long and painstaking work but in the end I loved the design and I think the painting turned out pretty well. It wasn't a masterpiece or anything, but it was definitely acceptable, especially under the circumstances. Having finished my painting I still had the task of going and getting a digital version printed in full color and then matting the original and digital together into a final presentation.

This was the task I left myself for this morning, both the printing and matting. I woke up early and got ready to finish up the assignment. I had until 11 to get everything done and make it to class. I set off to the printers first to get my digital copy printed out. I got there in good time even with the roads super icy, and to my surprise found that there was no wait. I was in luck! I stepped up to the counter handed the clerk my flash drive and ordered Color like it was a limited edition sandwich at McDonalds. The clerk smiled and informed me that unfortunately their printer was broken and it would be a few hours before a technician could come service it. Oddly, it appeared as though he expected me to wait around for those few hours possibly discussing french cinema or playing croquet. I declined that offer and ran to the school in hopes of finding a printer that could manage to spit out a 6x9 color copy of any quality.

I was in luck yet again as the conveniently located Copy Spot copying center was able to take my order and print out a gorgeous version of my book cover. I had to go to the Bookstore to get my black matte board anyway so it turned out perfectly. I took my copy and my newly acquired mat to the library and began hastily cutting away at it with 30 minutes left before class began. As I was finishing taping the back I glanced at the clock to see to my horror that I had 3 minutes until class began. I was on the 3rd floor of the library and I had class on the 3rd floor of a different building. I rushed to class as fast as I could, possibly setting a record for most stairs descended and ascended in 3 minutes time. I made it into class and tacked up my illustration just as my name was called for role. It was the closest of calls, following quite possibly one of the longest critiques I've ever sat through. I was starving by the time class finally got out, but I had to head to work.

There is a cafe right next door to work that always smells really great. I've never been yet and I'm not sure exactly what they serve but there is always a long line. I stopped by really quick just to check it out but all they had was Bagels. Why there is such a line always for bagels I cannot explain. I went into the student grocery place and grabbed a sandwich because I saw a girl carrying one out and it seemed like what a logical person would eat for lunch. I hate sandwiches. I have never liked them from the time I was little until the present day. I end up eating them from time to time and it always makes me think of when I was little and my mom would pack me sack lunches for elementary school and there would always be without fail, a sandwich. She always complains that I would just throw my sandwiches in the trash rather than eat them, and to be honest I don't remember that at all, but it's quite believable knowing me. It makes me feel slightly bad knowing the effort it takes to make someone a lunch, even a very basic one that I wouldn't just eat the sandwiches in appreciation for my mom making them, but what can I say, I hate sandwiches. So I ate a sandwich today, and I can honestly say that I still don't like them.

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