Friday, July 1, 2011

Double You Tee Eff

Today I walked through the library... I know what you're thinking, and stop it. Of course I go to the library on occasion.. to study. Ok, I never study in the library. I find it depressing, and I have to be on my guard constantly for the fear of being shushed by an over zealous librarian in training. While on this seldomly made trip through the library I ran across perhaps one of the most startling sights I have run across since I saw a one-armed man dressed as Y2K in March. What could possibly have caught my attention so drastically you ask? Well I ran across a young lady wearing a very offensive shirt, the likes of which I have seldomly seen before in my tragically short life. I resisted the urge to run up and slap her solidly across the face. In part, because my dear mother taught me better, and possibly because I realized I had stood standing there with my mouth agape long enough that I had darkened the disgusting library carpet with drool, which was a little embarassing. What could be so offensive you surely are on the verge of asking, well it was simply an AFI CRASHLOVE shirt. Now before all you crashlove fans jump on me with fangs and neon colored shoes.... well don't.

I was a fan for a very long time, long enough to feel bitterly betrayed when I heard the heart breaking sounds of betrayal and spilling slushies that is Crashlove. From that day on I always felt a little embarassed to wear my AFI shirt, and I would fight back the formation of tears when I heard any of the older classic AFI I had loved for so long.

I just really couldn't and still can't believe that anyone could possibly ever enjoy that album. I mean even the robots that have replaced the band members after their abduction by aliens to play amazing music on their far-away planet are self aware enough to realize the album sucks. So why then is there someone out there not only still a fan, but so enthused by the Crashlove crash that they would willingly purchase a shirt advertising such a strange love? The answer to this is again robots. I was relieved to find the girl short circuited and exploded when I threw a bottle of water on her before leaving the library. Alien abductors, I know your game. Bring us back our beloved AFI. I'd hate to have to hire the cast of Firefly to help me hunt you down and bring shame to your overrated but advanced alien culture.

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